The best of us by Carr, Robyn
Big girl panties by Evanovich, Stephanie
As you wish by Deveraux, Jude
A million little things by Mallery, Susan
The bean trees by Kingsolver, Barbara
The only woman in the room by Benedict, Marie
A room of one's own by Woolf, Virginia
The total package by Evanovich, Stephanie
All the single ladies by Frank, Dorothea Benton
Tuesday's child by Michaels, Fern
Lady in the lake by Lippman, Laura
Sunflower sisters by Kelly, Martha Hall
The prime of Miss Jean Brodie by Spark, Muriel
Founding mothers by Roberts, Cokie
A relative murder by Deveraux, Jude
Sisters like us by Mallery, Susan
The lost and found bookshop by Wiggs, Susan
Flight behavior by Kingsolver, Barbara
The keeper of lost things by Hogan, Ruth
The little Italian hotel by Patrick, Phaedra
The chemist by Meyer, Stephenie
Quicksand by Larsen, Nella
Maya's notebook by Allende, Isabel