The #1 lawyer by Patterson, James
The 24th hour by Patterson, James
Crosshairs by Patterson, James
The secret lives of booksellers and librarians by Patterson, James
12 months to live by Patterson, James
23 1/2 lies by Patterson, James
The 23rd midnight by Patterson, James
3 days to live by Patterson, James
Alex Cross must die by Patterson, James
Big top bonanza by Patterson, James
Circle of death by Patterson, James
Countdown by Patterson, James
Cross down by Patterson, James
The house of Wolves by Patterson, James
Jacky Ha-Ha gets the last laugh by Patterson, James
Lion & Lamb by Patterson, James
Minerva Keen's Detective Club by Patterson, James
Obsessed by Patterson, James
Private Moscow by Patterson, James
Walk the blue line by Patterson, James
What really happens in Vegas by Patterson, James
Blowback by Patterson, James
Death of the black widow by Patterson, James